Penn’s Landing and Historical District
Penn’s Landing and Historical District Penn’s Landing Penn’s Landing, where William Penn made his historical landing in Philadelphia in 1682. I am sure it looks nothing like when Mr Penn landed. This place is full of color and vibrancy. Restaurants, hotels, food vendors and art stands is everywhere. Before crossing the Chestnut Street pedestrian bridge, there was the Irish Memorial Park. It commemorates the struggle and pain of those Irish who fled their homeland in the face of a hunger of catastrophic proportions. It celebrates their courage that forged an enduring link between Ireland and America. Crossing the bridge, immediately on the right is the Great Plaza. It’s said to…
Cured Pork Rice Bowl
Cured Pork Rice Bowl 熏肉饭 The Cured Pork Rice Bowl is a versatile meal. It’s really quick to make and a good way to finish leftover rice, and make good use of any vegetable you might have in the frig. Hormel’s Cured Salt Pork is a staple item in my refrigerator. I like to add this to things like Shumai, Pork Rib Soup, and many other meat dishes. Cured pork has a different texture, it’s firmer than fresh pork, so it not only adds a new layer of flavor to the dish, it also adds an interesting texture. Since Hormel’s Cured Salt Pork is not cooked, it needs to be…
Moon Cake 鲜肉月饼(小包酥)
鲜肉月饼 (小包酥) 中秋将至,家里人对广式月饼都没大兴趣,过节必须要有过节的样子呀,上海的鲜肉月饼既合时宜又和胃口。实际上,中秋不过是个借口,鲜肉月饼哪个季节都能做,哪个季节都能吃? 这里介绍的是小包酥做法。小包酥的优点是每一个水皮和油酥都事先秤好,所以酥皮的重量完全一样,但缺点是操作比较慢,每一个都要包擀卷。大包酥要快很多,当然很难保证每个都一样重,其实相差两三克烤完了没什么区别,如果想要省力一些,可以用大包酥。 新鲜出炉的鲜肉月饼皮酥得掉渣,肉鲜嫩多汁,甜咸相应,岂是一个美字了得 今天心血来潮,用土豆?刻了一个图章,毕竟这是私家出品嘛。第一次尝试结果并不满意,不过有过这么一次试验,下次就有经验了。章用起来可真方便,几十个月饼一分钟就搞定。 烤完之后效果也不错哦,是不是能认出上面的那个小篆的易字?
Corn Chowder
Corn Chowder Bought some fresh, young corn from farmers market a few days ago. I blanched some of them and cut the kernels down to freeze. Today’s corn chowder was made from those home frozen corn. They are so fresh and sweet. With the help of Vitamix, the soup was thickened just right.