• Nature,  Plants

    Gardenia Diary

    Reviving Gardenia 10/4/2020 Adopted a dying gardenia yesterday. I never had a gardenia before, so obviously, this is going to be an uphill battle. After inspecting the plant and the planter, here is the major issue, the pot does not have drainage! First thing first, fix the pot. This is my new found activity. I have many decorative pots, they were just sitting there collecting dust. After doing some research, I found it’s really not all that hard to make them proper pots with drainage. I then bought some diamond coated drilling bits and upgraded to a new drill and got to work. It really only took couple minutes to…

  • Bonsai,  Jade Tree,  Nature

    Jade Tree Diary

    Transformation of a Jade Tree 9-15-2020 Received a huge jade tree today! I had a jade tree before, somehow, it got smaller each year, and earlier this spring, it officially disappeared. Sounds hard to believe, right? I am excited about this new addition, yet very worried about my own ability. The jade tree was top heavy, and grew very lopsided. I repotted into a huge pot, supported the heavier side with a Y shaped branch, nonetheless, it had a hard time standing straight. I started watching YouTube videos about jade tree. Apparently it’s a very popular tree to have and many people offered advices and tutorials. I decided that I…

  • Nature,  Robin2019


    【罗宝宝成长记 · 8】离巢 · 终结篇 罗小一罗小二一大早就离巢了,两只fledgling当然飞不远,不费太大功夫就找到了他们。 罗小一已经能站立起来,看到我走近居然张嘴讨食,可给他蚯蚓却不会吃,愣是看着蚯蚓从嘴里又爬出来了? 罗小二状态差很多,扑腾几下翅膀就累着了,张张嘴,很无力的样子,步履蹒跚稍微挪动了一下然后就睡了。 过了两小时,罗小二依然原地趴着,眼睛无力地睁开又闭上,奄奄一息。担心他被其他动物伤害,我把他挪回了窝里,无奈无力回天,小二黯然离世?。罗小一倒是分分钟有长进,下午再喂他蚯蚓时就能很果断地吃下去,吃饱了还要蹦跶几下扑扇几下翅膀,愉快地做了半天老五,待在掌心能吃能睡能玩。 空巢的惆怅突然袭来,跟随了近两周的宝宝们终于离开了。罗宾fledgling的成活率是50%,我家算是平均值。罗小一临走前跟我们亲密接触一番也算是没白疼他了。 上一篇:羽翼渐丰

  • Nature,  Robin2019


    【罗宝宝成长记 · 7】 羽翼渐丰 罗宝们羽毛渐渐丰满,睁着眼睛东张西望的时候越来越多,吃起饭来依然急吼吼? 今天早上录了一段喂食的视频,罗宝宝和罗妈妈叽叽喳喳叫个不停,好像在开家庭会议。下午再看他们,罗爸罗妈都不在,我打开视频开足音量,罗爸不知道突然从哪里冒了出来,冲着窗口一阵叽喳,我再放视频,罗爸又哇啦哇啦一番,太搞笑了?? 上一篇:我要飞 下一篇:离巢 – 终结篇