• Bread,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    New York Style Bagels

    New York Style Bagels Bagel and pretzel are the two type of bakery items that I love them fresh but never had the courage to make. Everyone knows New York City has some of the best bagels out there. Locally, I like Johnny’s bagel, but it’s not so close to where I live. So, I mustered all my mights and attempted for  New York Style Bagel at home. Wow! I was even impressed with myself. Of course, if you do a lot of research like me, you know there are some real authentic NYC bagel recipes out there and some would require up to 3 days to make them. I…

  • Appetizers,  Bread,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    Focaccia Bread

    Focaccia Bread Focaccia, a flat oven-baked Italian bread that has a similar texture like pizza dough, is an easy bread to make. The most typical Focaccia is the one with Rosemary and Olive Oil. Remember to use your finger or a utensil to dot the bread (make lots of dimples), this will help preserve the moisture. Jalapeno Focaccia This is a variation to the usual Focaccia. Though most of the ingredients are the same, I added diced colorful hot pepper, Italian seasoning and garlic salt to the dough. I also decorated the top of the bread with jalapeno rings and freshly grated cheese. The trick to make the bread softer,…

  • Appetizers,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    Molten Salted Egg Custard Buns 流沙包

    流沙包 这几年回上海,吃饭的时候总会碰到一些新网红,流沙包就是其中之一。今天终于如愿以偿自己做了一回,比记忆中饭店里的还好吃? 速冻的咸蛋黄味不够浓,且质地也不是很细腻,还是买来的咸蛋比较好,很沙很油,颜色好像稍微深了一点。3个咸蛋黄碾到很碎,加一个白煮蛋的蛋黄一起碾碎。奶粉20克,糖35克,室温软化的黄油35克,搅拌均匀,放冷冻室使其凝固,大约20分钟。 这个时候揉面,225克面粉,120毫升水,10克糖,一小勺酵母,一小勺泡打粉。面团比较硬,而且这个包子稍微硬实一些比较好吃,所以不用发酵很长时间。把面粉揉匀柔光,用保鲜膜包好饧一会儿,这样比较容易继续糅。饧面的时候把刚刚准备的内馅取出,分成11-12个小圆球,盖好保鲜膜,放在冷藏室里(化了就没法操作了)。 面继续揉,揉到那种特别光洁特别细腻的样子就好了,大概15分钟。把面团搓成长条,下剂子,11-12个,看有几个馅,一般30克左右一个剂子。剂子要盖好,以防变硬。 用手掌根把剂子按扁,再把四周按薄,放入一个内馅,用虎口把面收起来,口捏紧,多出来的面扯掉。全部包好了放再蒸笼里饧15分钟。烧开水,水开以后上笼蒸8分钟。 把包子扯开看看,真是流沙的感觉,不是熔岩哦,吃一口,沙沙的,咸蛋黄味,奶香味,太美味了。