• Main Entree,  My Kitchen

    Eggplant Stew 鱼香茄子煲

    Eggplant Stew 鱼香茄子煲 昨天在唐人街买了非常新鲜的茄子,加上腌的蹄膀上剃出一些瘦肉,正好来个鱼香茄子煲。 准备食材,茄子滚刀块在盐水里浸泡15分钟,其实我想切条的,一下刀习惯性的斜切,得,就滚刀块吧)。咸猪肉切小丁,鲜猪肉当然也行,稍微加点盐腌上20分钟。黑木耳泡软切小。没有干辣椒就用了Jalapeno,正好有红色的,蛮合心意的。葱蒜切细。没有显示出来的是一个预先调好的料,生抽,老抽,醋,糖,老干妈油辣椒(没有郫县豆瓣),料尝一下,随自己喜好调节。 油烧热,把盐水里浸泡过沥干的茄子炸一下,两分钟就可以捞起,沥干油。每次少炸一点,保证油温不急速下降,炸的时间短可以保持漂亮的紫色。 另起一个锅,加两勺油,将葱蒜辣椒爆香。 加入肉丁木耳煸炒至断生。把炸好的茄子倒入锅内,加先前做好的湿料,再加两勺水,拌匀,把所有的食材都倒入砂锅,可惜我家电炉上没法用砂锅,铸铁锅效果也不错,盖上盖子,焖5分钟。 揭盖,撒上葱花,直接就锅吃。

  • 30 Minute Meal,  Main Entree,  My Kitchen

    Cured Pork Rice Bowl

    Cured Pork Rice Bowl 熏肉饭 The Cured Pork Rice Bowl is a versatile meal. It’s really quick to make and a good way to finish leftover rice, and make good use of any vegetable you might have in the frig. Hormel’s Cured Salt Pork is a staple item in my refrigerator. I like to add this to things like Shumai, Pork Rib Soup, and many other meat dishes. Cured pork has a different texture, it’s firmer than fresh pork, so it not only adds a new layer of flavor to the dish, it also adds an interesting texture. Since Hormel’s Cured Salt Pork is not cooked, it needs to be…

  • 30 Minute Meal,  Main Entree,  My Kitchen

    Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

    Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza, a marriage of two favorite foods of almost any family. I guarantee this will be your new family favorite! The only problem: it disappears too fast, LOL. If you use a Ready-To-Bake pizza crust, or even frozen pizza dough from grocery stores, this can easily be a 30-minute meal. I like to make my own pizza dough. Simply mix 2 cups of bread flour with a little less than 1 cup of warm water, and 1 tsp of yeast. I added Italian seasoning blend and salt to my dough. Knead till the dough is smooth and let it stand in warm place for 30…