• Main Entree,  My Kitchen,  Pastas and Noodles

    Lobster Ravioli

    Lobster Ravioli Lobster Filling: steam lobster tail 3/4 lb, 3/4 lb of shrimp, chop into chunks Medium heat, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, stir fry minced garlic, add chopped onion (half of a medium onion) Add lobster and shrimp, salt, black pepper, lemon juice to taste When mixture cools down, add 1/4 cup of Ricotta cheese and 1 heaping tablespoon of Cream Cheese (or Mascarpone  Cheese), combine evenly The remaining lobster filling makes good lobster toasts ?

  • 30 Minute Meal,  Main Entree,  My Kitchen,  Pastas and Noodles

    Spaghetti with Meat and Marinara Sauce

    Spaghetti with Meat and Marinara Sauce Spaghetti 250g All purpose flour; 1 egg with water to 95g; a pinch of salt Start machine and run cycle 1 Meat Sauce Medium heat, stir fry minced garlic, add ground beef, cook till juice is clear Add chopped onion and tomato, cook till onion is transparent Add marinara sauce of your choice and cook till good thickness

  • My Kitchen

    Pastas and Noodles

    Pasta and Noodle All pasta and noodle in this post are made from Philips Pasta Maker, a must have for pasta/noodle-lovers! I wasn’t a noodle lover, but it turned me into one! Spaghetti in Vodka Sauce with Meatballs   Stewed Noodle with Pork and Cabbage Stewed Noodle with Kidney Bean 豆角焖面 Pan-fried Noodles 两面黄 Colorful Summer Penne Salad Shrimp Fettuccine in Cream Sauce  油泼辣子面 Wide Noodle with Chili Oil Cold Noodle with Peanut Sauce Steak over Tagliatelle with Mushroom Sour Cream Sauce Chicken Pesto with Sun-dried Tomato Yang Chun Noodles Mac and Cheese Shrimp Scampi  Spaghetti with Meat and Marinara Sauce Lobster Ravioli Chow Main with Sausage and Shanghai Green…

  • Main Entree,  My Kitchen,  Pastas and Noodles

    Shoyu Ramen

    Shoyu Ramen 日式酱肉面 7-31-2017 update 自制Ramen 5克熟碱,20克温水化开(熟碱制作方法:将baking soda铺在锡纸上,250F烤一个小时,不要直接接触烤过的baking soda因为此时碱性比较重,会灼伤皮肤,放在密封容器里保存) 鸡蛋一枚,加水至75克,加入碱水,打散拌匀 250克面粉,放入面条机,启动,加入液体 十分钟面条完成,开水里煮5分钟 谢谢玉妹妹找来这么好的酱肉方子,味道好不说,还特别容易做。 酱肉原料: 肩胛肉,稍微有点肥的比较好吃,3.5磅 酱油 120克 糖 160克 盐 (因为加了几次,所以不记得用了多少,可以先少加一些,尝了味道再调节) 料酒 3 大勺 蚝油 20克 甜面酱 2 大勺 五香粉 2 克 白芝麻 2 大勺撵成末 水 4 杯 酱肉步骤: 将除肉之外的原料放进锅里,烧开,尝味道,太咸加糖太淡加盐或酱油 用细麻绳将肉五花大绑成直径3寸的长条,扎的越紧越好 把肉放入锅内,汤料没过肉,煮开,小火煮1个小时(千万不要加时间,太酥了切片会散) 关火冷却进冰箱过夜。吃的时候解开绳子,切片 糖心卤鸡蛋: 室温鸡蛋放入锅中,加水烧开继续烧4分钟 取出立即放入冰水(今天手忙脚乱的没有马上入冰水,蛋黄稍微有点过) 剥壳,将鸡蛋放入酱肉的汤料里,不用再煮,浸泡3-4小时鸡蛋就很入味了 日本酱肉面: 汤底最好用熬制几个小时的骨头汤,今天我用了鸡汤,加入酱肉的汤料,味道也很好,烧开 加日本蘑菇,小青菜或菠菜烫熟 烧开水煮方便面5分钟,捞起 面碗里放汤料,加面,盖上切片的酱肉,和切开的鸡蛋,加上寿司紫菜,撒上葱花