原料: 1. 1/4杯油(橄榄油或素油都可以)60ml 2. 3/4 杯糖 (150克) 3. 2小勺香草香精(10ml) 4. 鸡蛋2只 5. 1 3/4杯面粉(260克) 6. 1/4 小勺盐 7. 1 小勺泡打粉 8. 其他想要加入的东西,巧克力,蔓越梅干,核桃等随意 步骤: 1. 预热烤箱至300F(150C) 2. 将油和糖充分拌匀,加入香草香精,将打散的鸡蛋拌入;面粉,盐,泡打粉混合后慢慢拌入湿料;最后加入料8 3. 将拌好的面团分成两份,在不沾烤纸上形成3寸宽的长条。粉会很粘手,千万不要多加面粉,冷水将手弄湿再揉面粉会好点 4. 进烤箱烤35分钟或至微黄,取出稍微冷却一下,烤箱降温至275F(135C) 5. 把烤好的饼干切成1.5-2厘米厚的薄片,切面朝上放回烤箱,每面烤8-10分钟。取出待凉就能吃了。跟咖啡️绝配。
Apple Pie
Apple Pie – A Family π Day Tradition Pi Day tradition at home is to make all kinds of pies. The one that always gets on the table is apple pie. Ingredients: 1 stick of butter 2 pieces of 9 inch pastry sheet 3 tablespoon of flour 1/2- cup of white sugar 1/2- cup of brown sugar 1/4 cup of water 6-8 apples, if use sweeter apples like Fuji, cut down a little bit in sugar ground cinnamon Steps: Preheat over to 425F Lay 1 pastry sheet on pie dish Peel, core and cut apple to slices, not too thin, mound apple on the pie dish Sprinkle cinnamon occasionally Cover pie…
Tiramisu in a Cup
The following ingredients can make 7-8 small cups of Tiramisu. Since there is raw egg yolk in the recipe, I normally make small batch like this to be finished in a day. Ingredient: 4oz Mascarpone Cheese 1 egg yolk 3/4 cup of heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoons of Coffee Liquer Espresso or strong coffee, enough for dipping 24 round cookies 4 tablespoons of sugar 24 homemade Lady Finger (round) Cocoa powder for decoration Steps: Make a double boiler by boiling 1/3 pot of water, set a large bowl on the pot. Place egg yolk and 2 tablespoon of sugar in the bowl, beat till pale yellow. Beat Masacarpone cheese and 1 tablespoon…
Lady Fingers
Lady Fingers Lady fingers, a main ingredient of Tiramisu, can actually be made pretty easily. Its soft, sponge like texture taste somewhat like cake. While store bought lady fingers are always in long finger shape, homemade ones can be any shape you like. For the Tiramisu in a cup that I plan to make, round, Nilla Wafer shape seems most fitting. Ingredients: 4 eggs, separated 1/2 cup of white sugar 7/8 cup of flour 1/2 tsp of baking powder 1 tsp of vanilla extract (if you don’t mind the eggy taste, this can be ignored) Steps: Preheat oven to 400F Place egg white in a clean bowl, beat in high…