• Appetizers,  Bread,  Cast Iron,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    Skillet Bread with Dip

    Nothing beats warm skillet bread with favorite dip right in the same pot. It can be an appetizer, a breakfast, an afternoon snack, or even a dinner. I like to use my usual pizza dough, add some herbs for extra flavor.  When dough is doubled in size, turn it onto lightly floured surface. Seperate them in 10-12 equal size portions. Keep on folding the dough inwards to create a ball with smooth top surface. Place each ball around the skillet. Cover with tea towel and let them rest again for 20 minutes. In the mean time, make the dip. Spinach and Artichoke Dip is a great option. In the picture,…

  • Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen,  Technique

    Tempering Chocolate

    Tempering Chocolate I had attempted tempering chocolate once before without a candy thermometer, and what a disaster that was! It took me a long time to recover from that failure, because the clean up of the candy molds after the failed chocolate making was terrible. I got a kitchen thermometer recently and decided to give it another try. I had 2 parts of Ghirardelli 60% Dark Chocolate Chip in one bowl and 1 part in another. Over a double boiler on low heat, melt the 2 parts chocolate and monitor the temperature. Do not let temperature to exceed 120F. Remove from boiler, wipe the bottom dry. Gradually add in the…

  • Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    Pasteis de Nata

    Pasteis de Nata 葡式蛋挞 Pasteis de Nata, or Portuguese Custard Tart, is an irresistible dessert. They are creamy, sweet, flaky, buttery and simply scrumptious! During my past life as a software consultant where most of my day went to stressful debugging and coding, I could only attempt Custard Tart or Egg Tart in a quick and cheating way, that was to use store bought pie crust or puff pastry. Though they sort of soothed sweet tooth for a moment, they were never that splendid. Pasteis de Nata is the type of dessert that deserves plenty of patience, craftsmanship and love.  History of Pasteis de Nata I have to admit, in…