Spring Roll Wrap
春卷皮 春卷皮挺受欢迎,饺子皮法按摩法和锅盖法是这样的:400克面粉250克热水(可以减半)揉面醒透,差不多半小时吧。我有OCD每个剂子都称分量的?20克一个,先擀成饺子皮,然后面上刷足油,差不多8-10张一叠。按摩法:上次直接擀面杖不行,用手指轻轻按,醒透的面很容易按开,每按几下翻面再按,不然底下的皮不会一样伸展,到了春卷皮大小用擀面杖轻轻擀平整。锅盖法上场,取一个春卷皮大小的锅盖或者碗口,沿着锅盖口把多余的切掉,滴哩滚圆了?水开上锅蒸8分钟,差不多20张一起蒸,蒸的时候做第二批。取出稍凉一点耐心撕开,冷了也很软和。包上冷虾黄瓜丝可以做越南春卷,可以包烤鸭烤鸡烤肉,也可以包上黄芽菜肉丝油里煎一煎就是实实在在的上海春卷。
Easy Pizza Sauce
Easy Homemade Pizza Sauce
Tempering Chocolate
Tempering Chocolate I had attempted tempering chocolate once before without a candy thermometer, and what a disaster that was! It took me a long time to recover from that failure, because the clean up of the candy molds after the failed chocolate making was terrible. I got a kitchen thermometer recently and decided to give it another try. I had 2 parts of Ghirardelli 60% Dark Chocolate Chip in one bowl and 1 part in another. Over a double boiler on low heat, melt the 2 parts chocolate and monitor the temperature. Do not let temperature to exceed 120F. Remove from boiler, wipe the bottom dry. Gradually add in the…
Beef Tenderloin Prep
Beef Tenderloin Trimming and Preparing Holiday is coming and the main course for Thanksgiving this year is Beef Wellington (I can’t wait!). To make good Beef Wellington, I will need a nice piece of beef tenderloin. Tenderloin can be quite expensive. Wegmans has them at whopping 24$ a pound! Costco has the cleaned up tenderloin at 20$. Right next to the trimmed tenderloin is the whole tenderloin, Choice grade (which is better than what most supermarkets sell), at $11.39 a pound. Well, that’s a steal. A beautiful piece like this cost less than 80 dollars! It seems daunting to clean up a big piece of meat like this. I did…