Colorful Summer Penne Salad
Colorful Summer Penne Salad

This is a simple but pretty and tasty summer salad. It can be light or heavy, Italian or Greek, depending on the cheese and dressing you would like to use.
Again, the Penne are the product of my beloved Philips Pasta Maker. White Penne was made from flour and water, pink ones from beet juice, yellow from carrot juice and green from spinach juice. To make vegetable juice, put vegetable and a couple tablespoon of water in food processor, blend till very fine, press through strainer to get colored juice.
The pictured pasta has corn, green pea, cherry tomato halves, jalapeno sausage, and mozzarella pearls with basil vinaigrette. It will taste very good with Italian dressing as well. If you use Feta cheese instead of mozzarella, and black olive, with a heavier dressing, it will turn into Greek salad.
Add chicken or shrimp, it becomes a wonder summer meal!